My December 2019 Schools Update

My MCAT Study Materials

My MCAT Study Materials

Happy December, everyone! I’ve receive some inquiry recently about which schools I applied to/interviewed at/got accepted to, etc. So, I decided to write a bit more about it for you. If you have any specific questions about schools’ secondaries or interview days, please feel free to contact me.

I just felt like throwing in pictures of myself. :P

I just felt like throwing in pictures of myself. :P

But, before I get into it, I want to address three things:

  • First, my own timeline and your timeline can look substantially different but still end with the same results. There are so many exceptionally successful people that will hear back earlier or later than me, or to more or less schools. But it’s super important to note that whichever school I attend, there will invariably be people in my class that simply had one late-cycle interview or interviewed at some of the most prestigious schools in the country. However, it really doesn’t matter because we’re all going to begin in the same boat.

  • Second, I would advise people to try to keep the SDN crazy neuroticism at bay. Avoid the temptation! Obsessively knowing about other people’s timelines doesn’t change your own and could just instill tons of unnecessary anxiety.

  • Third, I hope that by sharing this information I am able to share my gratefulness and excitement! I am so humbled by the response that I have had from schools, which has been so much more positive than I was anticipating!

(Very) Simplified Version of my Application:

Gorgeous Portland in the Fall <3

Gorgeous Portland in the Fall <3

Any application is significantly more nuanced than a bullet point list. And anything can be significant, so long as it’s actually significant to you. Don’t go into the application thinking there needs to be a checklist to complete in order to get into medical school. Throughout my interviews, this idea has just been solidified. People are much more interested in genuine, passionate stories of your “why” rather than a check list of reasons why you deserve to be there.

Ironically, here’s a list of my “qualifications” - but remember, I’m just leaving this here to give you a glimpse into my application and some context, not to say yours needs to look like mine.

Screen Shot 2019-12-21 at 8.02.51 PM.png

Schools I applied to:

Below, I have shared a list of the schools to which I applied. Note, there are a couple of schools that I received secondaries from that I did not complete, which I decided to leave out.

Under the “Interview Offered”, a yes indicates that an interview was extended - but I may or may not have gone. If I put no, it means that I got a post secondary/pre-interview rejection. If the space is blank, it means I have not yet heard back.

Updated 12/21/2019

Updated 12/21/2019