Re-Imagined Thanksgiving Leftovers

Hello, friends. I have tasked me and BF with eating the leftovers. None of this freezing stuff nonsense. We will be troopers and eat the leftovers like the people -with no more freezer space- that we are. Here are some of the concoctions that were created to fool our minds and bellies that we were eating new stuff. 

Potato Pancakes


Ingredients: Leftover Mashed Potato, Egg, Flour, Salt, Pepper, Garlic, Onion, Parmesan, Mexican Blend Cheese, Coconut Oil, Chives

Review: I grew up on potato pancakes around Hanukkah, since my childhood best friend's father is Jewish and a great chef. There is no way that my potato pancakes would come near his mastery. Yet, they were mighty good, imho - even though I didn't have sour cream or applesauce to pair with them. BF considered the potato pancakes a highlight of the day. I definitely think this was a great way to use up the mashed potatoes.

Turkey Pot Pie


Ingredients: Flour, Coconut Oil, Onion, Garlic, Salt, Pepper, Frozen Mixed Veggies, Puff Pastry, Thyme, Poultry Seasoning, Chicken Broth, Heavy Cream, Nutmeg, Melted Butter, Leftover Turkey Meat - Shredded

Review: The BF has never had a pot pie. I love pot pie but haven't ever made one. These were so easy to make (much easier than I anticipated, at least). They turned out pretty standard/good to me. I did have to spend some time convincing the BF that it was okay the underside of the puff pastry was a little soggy (from touching the mixture underneath while cooking), and that no it wasn't raw. However, once we got past that, he said that he enjoyed them too.

Leftover Stuffing Fried Rice


Ingredients: Leftover Meat from Stuffing, Sesame Oil, White Rice, Black Pepper, Soy sauce, Fish Sauce, Egg  

Review: This was probably the most adventurous and tedious of the leftover re-works. First, I had to pick out the meat from the stuffing (which was already once cooked) and then cook it over with the rice. Honestly, it tasted pretty good and was a great way to not waste the "expensive parts" of the stuffing. Still, I think I was disappointed that I didn't like my stuffing much, I typically would just eat the stuffing as leftovers in and of itself. Haha!

Cheeseburger Macaroni


Ingredients: Ground Sirloin Beef, Black Pepper, Salt, Leftover Stuffed Mushrooms (Minced), Leftover Mac and Cheese

Review: This was so easy to make and probably my favorite of the re-imagined leftovers. It helped me deplete two of the dishes I made and tasted delicious. The only thing I could complain about is my preference toward not mincing mushrooms, as I feel like it makes the flavor indistinguishable in dish. Still, it worked and I was proud of this easy turn around dish.