DCA Festival of Holidays 2017 - Day 2 + Pictures

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Last week, I returned to the Festival of Holidays for my second go at the deliciousness. I stayed only for a couple of hours - as it was a weekday night; however, the lines were very short for the festival booths, something that I don't anticipate anymore, now that the holidays are in full swing. Still, as any Disney adventurer will tell you, patience is paramount - don't go expecting it to be smooth sailing in terms of the crowds. But, appreciate that these parks and cast members are used to seeing large groups of people. They are well versed in handling it so that everyone can have the best time possible (Except when they run out of Warm Buttered Rum, better luck next time). 

Today, I shared 4 different festival food items with my boyfriend. And by shared, I mean, I ate most of it - but he loves me, so it's acceptable. Starting from first to last: (1) Roasted Turkey Slider with Cranberry Sauce, (2) Ghirardelli White Hot Chocolate with House-made Cinnamon Marshmallows, (3) Macaroni and Cheese with Cornbread Crumbles, and (4) Warm Polenta and Chilled Crab Salad.

(1) Roasted Turkey Slider with Cranberry Sauce - Just as everyone else, I prefer not to eat dry turkey - but as a rule, I love holiday turkey (I'm not much of a ham fan), so I may be biased. I really liked this slider, the sauce was delicious and the meat moist. This tasted just like the best parts of Thanksgiving leftovers. The boyfriend isn't much of a sandwich guy, so he was "meh" about it. Average of 4.0/5 Stars. This can be found at Winter Sliderland. 

(2) Ghirardelli White Hot Chocolate with House-made Cinnamon Marshmallows - What can I say? This is delicious, chocolate-y goodness. It tastes exactly like you would imagine. Also, Disneyland knows how to do marshmallows. Any Disney treat with marshmallows blows my mind - try them, even though they seem overpriced. 5/5 Stars. This can be found at Winter Sliderland.

(3) Macaroni and Cheese with Cornbread Crumbles - I'm not a huge fan of mac and cheese. I know, I'm a disgrace. My boyfriend on the other hand - is somewhat obsessed. This was fine to me, not too cheese-y, not to "mac"-y...I'm obviously no food reviewer. However, nothing really stood out about it to me. But, the boyfriend thought it was good, but it was served to him cold. Average of 2.9/5 Stars. This can be found at Holiday Duets.

(4) Warm Polenta and Chilled Crab Salad - I need to preface this with me having a bell pepper intolerance. Since they give me awful stomach aches, my taste buds have kind of rejected them over time. Since the salad on top had bell peppers in it, I wasn't too fond, but I could see the appeal for someone who wasn't similarly afflicted. I did love the polenta though. I don't eat polenta much but apparently it is a godsend in the food world. I would get this again just for the polenta. FYI: The chilled crab salad had that trademark fish salad smell - the BF didn't try it. My rating is 3.4/5 Stars. This can be found at Holiday Duets.

Megan World of Color Season of Light.PNG

In other news, we went to the park with friend who's pass is expiring, she had never seen World of Color - Season of Light before so we stayed for the show. We didn't have a chance to get fast passes though - so we had to stay in the back near Ariel's Undersea Adventure. I thought the show was cute enough - but I think I prefer the Christmas shows from years previous. This year's show was a compilation of Christmas songs, strung together with light projections on water beams (example here). I wish it would have told more of a direct story though. Nonetheless, it was impressive and a cute show.

I'm looking forward to Day 3 and some Warm Buttered Rum.