New Years Resolutions 2018

I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions, as I don't really believe in their realizability (as opposed to any other time of the year's resolutions). However, I did find myself deciding to do a lot of things upon the new your, without admitting to myself that they were resolutions. In light of this though, I decided to compile a list, because my brain works better in lists than it does in  random thoughts floating through my head, reminding me that I'm supposed to be food.

I don't have many resolutions, but I hope that in having less, I have more probability of following them. Hah! Regardless, good luck on your own New Year's Resolutions. Happy New Year! Here's to a great 2018 - or at least a hopeful one.

Note: When typing the title, I typed 2016 first. Living in the past. I never got used to 2017.


1) Adopt a Low Carb Diet (Admit to One Cheat Day per week for sanity)

2) Improve Cursive

3) Read At Least 2 Books per Month

4) Write At Least 4 Blog Posts per Month

5) Participate in At Least 3 5-K walk/runs this year