Recipe: Bite Sized Strawberry Lemonade Pies – featuring Girl Scout Lemonades

Final Bite Sized Strawberry Lemonade Pies

Final Bite Sized Strawberry Lemonade Pies

Ready In: 1 Hour | Serves: 24

Price: ~ $10


My mini food processor and box of Lemonade Cookies

My mini food processor and box of Lemonade Cookies

*1 Box Girl Scout LemonadesTM Cookies – Crumbed

* 5 Tbsp Unsalted Butter

* PAM Spray

* 0.5 lb Strawberries (about Half a Carton)

* 0.5 Cups Sugar

* 2 Tbsp Corn Starch

* 1/3 Cup Water

* 1 Tbsp Vanilla

* 1 Pinch of Salt


Crumbed Cookies :D

Crumbed Cookies :D

1) Preheat your oven to 350 F.

2) Crush the Lemonades via food processor. I have a cheap little personal food processor so I had to do this in rounds.

3) Melt Butter and combine with the crumbs. Make sure to mix the butter in well.

4) Press mix into a greased mini muffin tray (I recommend the magic: PAM spray), making 24 mini cups.

5) Bake in oven for about 10 minutes. Remove from oven when crust has visibly darkened throughout and looks crunchy.


Separate Mix into 24 pieces and form mini crusts with your hands.

Separate Mix into 24 pieces and form mini crusts with your hands.

Uh-oh! Too much butter - looks like I have cakes instead of crusts. That's okay, follow the note to learn how to fix this.

Uh-oh! Too much butter - looks like I have cakes instead of crusts. That's okay, follow the note to learn how to fix this.

Note: I used too much butter (this recipe is updated has accounted for that). However, if you happen do the same, the cup form will not hold. FEAR NOT – just reform the cups using a spoon in the pan after the first 10 minutes and then keep an eye on the crusts until they are thoroughly darkened/crunchy.

Use a butter knife to remove these from the pan. travel around the circle with the knife and these will slide right out.

Use a butter knife to remove these from the pan. travel around the circle with the knife and these will slide right out.

Cool on top of a paper towel to catch some of that extra butter

Cool on top of a paper towel to catch some of that extra butter

Chopped Strawberries

Chopped Strawberries

6) Chop Up Strawberries. I like the aesthetic of uneven chops for this, but eighth-twelfth pieces work sizing-wise if you prefer them uniform.

7) In a large pot on medium heat, add water and cornstarch. Stir until the cornstarch is dissolved. Then, add in the rest of the ingredients and strawberries. Mix until evenly distributed/dissolved. When bubbles are forming for a boil, lower the temperature to low and simmer for about 10 minutes. 

8) Let the mixture cool until it is warm to the touch (you don’t need it to cool completely, but enough so that you can work with it without burning yourself.

9) Spoon filling into the mini pies and place in fridge until cooled completely or ready to serve. Optional: Serve with whipped cream!

The compote makes a great filling for other pies, on top of desserts, or in tarts!

The compote makes a great filling for other pies, on top of desserts, or in tarts!

Finished Mini Pies. I definitely recommend 2x the recipe as these will go fast!

Finished Mini Pies. I definitely recommend 2x the recipe as these will go fast!

Enjoy! These are delicious and make a great Valentine’s day treat!