Recipe: Campfire Rice Krispie Treats – featuring Girl Scout S’mores

Final Campfire Rice Krispie Treats with Chocolate Drizzle

Final Campfire Rice Krispie Treats with Chocolate Drizzle

Ready In: 20 Minutes | Serves: 32

Price: ~ $15


Campfire Rice Krispy Treats Ingredients - featuring Girl Scout S'mores

Campfire Rice Krispy Treats Ingredients - featuring Girl Scout S'mores

* 1 Pkg Crispy Rice Cereal (about 13 Cups)

* 8 Girl Scout S'mores Cookies

* 6 Tbsp Butter

* PAM Spray

* 1 Pkg Mini Marshmallows (about 10 Cups)

* Cinnamon

* 6 Oz Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips

* 2 Tsp Shortening


PAM Everything!

PAM Everything!

1) PAM everything. I mean everything, this makes the process so much easier. PAM the pot (on the sides too, not just the bottom), PAM the spatula you plan to use, PAM the dish that the treats will cool in, PAM any utensil that may come into contact with the melted marshmallow. If you don’t have PAM, you can also use butter or oil.

2) Crush the S'mores into bit sized pieces. I chopped it them up with a knife but this can be accomplished a variety of ways, ex. Pummel in a bag with a rolling pin <- always a fan favorite. The cookies essentially disintegrate into the marshmallow anyways, so don't worry about making them perfect.

3) Using low heat, melt Butter in a large saucepan/pot on the stove. Once melted, add all the mini marshmallows (minus one heaping handful for later) and stir until melted.

4) Once melted, remove from heat and add the S’mores Bits, Rice Cereal, and Marshmallows. Stir until everything is mixed and coated.

Crush/Chop the Cookies!

Crush/Chop the Cookies!

Add other ingredients once the Marshmallows have melted

Add other ingredients once the Marshmallows have melted

5) Press the results into a greased cookie tray (may use smaller/bigger/more trays, depending on desired thickness of treat), and set aside to cool. Optional: With a light hand, add cinnamon to the top of the treats.

Stir Ingredients until evenly mixed and coated

Stir Ingredients until evenly mixed and coated

Add Cinnamon for a little something extra

Add Cinnamon for a little something extra

6) Using low heat, combine semi sweet chocolate chips and shortening. Stir until melted and smooth.

Drizzle Chocolate - Be careful not to cut too big of a hole in the bag!

Drizzle Chocolate - Be careful not to cut too big of a hole in the bag!

7) Transfer chocolate mix to a piping bag, I like to just use a Ziploc Quart sized bag with the tip trimmed off, and pipe chocolate drizzle onto the top of the treats.

8) Place in fridge for 30 minutes to help set the chocolate and then cut.

😊 This is the first in my dessert series using Girl Scout Cookies. I hope you enjoy and read my next recipe. It’ll be mini strawberry lemonade pies, maybe with a catchier name though.